The 4 retards are &#9829

Jin said Shh.

Gang Discussion!

fSeptember 2009
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fFebruary 2010

Recent posts
VVIP is BACK!!!!
VPaiseh Paiseh did nt post 4 so long haha
VBck after a few weeks !!!
V3 more days...
VFixed :D
VNormal day...AGAIN!!!
VPraying of my gr8 grandma...
VShiok 4 yesterday, sian 4 2day.
VEr... normal day.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
5:40 PM

VIP is BACK!!!!
Ya i noe lots of ppl had been leaving tags regarding wanting me to update my blog. But i had been so busy n absent-minded that i could only post now. So i will just tell u some lame n interesting stuff happened 2day. !st, when i get up, my father told me 2 b prepared 4 "morning PT"(just simply jogging and mayb even playing!). So i immediately when 2 brush my teeth and change to my long time no use running suit. Then when we(me, my bro n my parents) were ready, we went straight 2 the park we usually went 2, and after warm-up, my bro chiong the 1st, me 2nd and lastly my dad 3rd, my mom wasn't running as she wasn't feeling well. Then as i m running, i saw one wat my sister say "amino acid"(interesting way of saying aa= attract attention) doing some weird exercise. After we finish running, we went bck hm 2 hv our breakfast. Then during afternoon, i chiong all my hmwk then at nite, we(all my father side relative b went 2 some food court n hv our dinner n tat's the end of 2day!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010
7:12 PM

Paiseh Paiseh did nt post 4 so long haha
Hihi, sry 4 the nt post 4 so long so i did it 2day since i m free. Ok, nthing interesting 2day so i will just tell u wat happen yesterday wich is much more better than 2day. As u noe, yesterday was a saturday, so both my parents did nt nid 2 work so they bothe stayed at hm even though my dad came hm just tat morning. So we(me,my sis,my bro n mom) had our breakfast, we set off 2 tua-payoh(ok i did nt noe how 2 spell:P) 2 buy some stuff 4 my grandma wich is our nex destination. After tat as i mentioned, we went 2 our grandma house n reach there at 1p.m. So, we spent our afternoon there till around 5, then we went hm 2 get ready 4 our dinner in hougang mall. So, when we reaches HGM, we went up straight 2 the food court at 4th floor. As my oldest sis had reach there much more earlier, we did nt even nid to look 4 places 2 sit. So, we ordered our fd n then finish them n then u noe... SHOPPING!!! Wich i dun really like it la. So my parents,sisters,brother,aunt n my grandma went to NTUC while i went to Popular 2 look 4 someting. After tat, i went down 2 find my parents. So after paying all the tings, we went bck hm n till midnite between 12-1, my sis went 2 fix our supper, pasta. So, after finishing our supper, i did 35 pushup(nt tat perfect n nt continuously), i went 2 bed n tats all 4 yesterday!=)

Sunday, December 20, 2009
3:12 AM

Bck after a few weeks !!!
Sry tat i didnt post 4 tis few week but since i m back so chilax haha. Ok lets start with 2day. The 1st ting happen 2day was having our lunch in the hawker center near Boon Keng MRT Station. Then we took the bus to Tampines to shop 4 clothes. The 1st stall we went 2 was BHG n the result was me buying a pants n my bro buying a NR pants n shirt. Then the we went 2 hv some snack at the new open Popeye. We had our snack till 3+ then we went 2 NTUC. As my grandma nid 2 buy some groceries. Then we went 2 another mall 2 shop when i saw a stall selling EVERLAST polo 4 2 at $50! But its 2 late 2 buy cos my parents went far ahead. So i did nt buy the shirt wich i luv it alot! Then, we went 2 shop at another NTUC then we took the bus back hm n so tat's the end of 2day's shopping trip. I tink we would had another shopping trip cos i still did nt buy my shirt n same 2 my sis:D

Saturday, November 28, 2009
6:32 AM

3 more days...
Sry 4 another time tat i 4gotten 2 post 4 yesterday but anyway, lets gt back 2 2day post since it was a very very normal n boring day yesterday. First very special ting 2 day was eating at the hawker center at Kovan. The reason i said its special is becos tat we could sleep a little longer yet we woke up at 7. Then after we had our breakfast, me n my father went back hm while my grandma,aunt,mom,2nd sis n my younger bro went 4 a haircut( except my bro). Then when i reached hm with me father, i went 2 use the com while my father watch the discovery channel. Then until around 10.30, my father went 2 sleep as he work from yesterday nite till morning. Then when i use the com till 11, i used the X-Box since there isnt any show i interested n oso there wasnt any ppl on9. Then at around 12.30, my mom cam back hm n help me fix my lunch. After tat, we watched the TV until 6 when we went 2 had our dinner. We had our dinner at the coffee shop behind my grandma house. After tat, we walk 2 Hougang Mall as it wasnt tat far. When we reaches there, my parents, grandma, aunt n bro went 2 the NTUC 2 shop 2 some groceries while me n my 2nd sis when quite alot of shop on the 2nd n 3rd floor n finally my oldest sis n his BF went back hm as they had 2 attend a wedding ceremony held by her BF's cousin. Then we shop till like 8+ then me, my parents, 2nd sis n my bro took the MRT hm while my aunt n grandma took bus no 325/153 hm. Then when i reach hm, iwent 2 bath, watch TV till 10 THEN uses the com 2 post :D

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
10:37 PM

Fixed :D
Hi viewers n yes 2day was still a very very boring,normal n oso sunny day like yesterday even though i did nt post yesterday. So let's start with 2 day:D. 1st ting happen 2day was going 2 the wet market with my grandma n oso hav our breakfast there. Then, when we cam back, my bro chiong 2 the com n started using it n so i had 2 w8 4 tat 1 hr just 2 use the com so i just watches some lame show. Then 1st person i chat in MSN was nicholas(link there>>>). I started the conversation since he wasn't tat talkative then me. But he replied a ... cos he tinks tat saying hi or hello was common n i do tink so la. Then once i log in 2 FB(facebook), nicholas started 2 talk crap like i luv someone or nt sat i watch po*n, hallo let me tell u tat i dun watch those disgusting stuff, okay. Then l8ter, one of our 1/2teacher 1/2"bully victim" uncle ivan(link oso there>>>) went on9. So i tink of a idea tat using nicholas"talent", spam n talk crap 2 use it on uncle ivan n he really did it. At 1st uncle ivan didn't reply or wat. But untill we "ordered" him 2 chat with us, he started 2 talk some alien language with us, then nt long after, nicholas oso started 2 crap or i should say alien language. Then when i wanted 2 log out from FB, suddenly, my speaker was fixed, haha. So i decided 2 continue using com. Then i realize tat i 4gotten 2 post so i log in 2 blogger n post :D.

Monday, November 23, 2009
5:59 PM

Normal day...AGAIN!!!
Sry sry tat i 4gtten 2 post 4 so long againbut anyway, 2day was a gr8 yet normal day cos i dun hv any special event going on. But anyway since 2day wasnt interesting, i will tell u about yesterday cos i had my bronze test yesterday. The 1st ting happen yesterday was breakfast wich was essential la(tis is crap ok so relax). Then i set off 2 the swimming pool at around 9.15 n reach there 9.40. Then i w8ted 4 around 10 when 2 of my friends, Andy n Kenny(from another class). Then 3 of us w8ted 4 a long time when another person who is oso taking bronze came. Then now 4 of us w8ted 4 a long time but still no sign of the coach. Then until 11.45, we decided 2 go 2 the counter 2 ask when will the coach com cos the coach should arrive at around 10.30. But suprisingly the person said tat the test long started at 10.30 sharp the only ting is tat the invigilator was different person. At tat time we was like OMG! So we went 2 the invigilator n ask but he replied tat he 1 us 2 w8 till 12+ then can take the test. So we went 2 the canteen n hv some food. We took the test at 12 n finally we finish it at around 1. So andy went off 1st cos he gt NPCC. Then, me n kenny stay back after the test 4 1/2 hour 2 play n so we went off at 1.30. So after tat i took bus no 325 back 2 hougang mall n hv my lunch then at around 1.55, i went hm n tats all 4 yestedday.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
3:45 AM

Praying of my gr8 grandma...
Very sorry tat tis few day did nt post but as usual nthing interesting so dun post n lets talk abot 2day. 2day was an important day cos 2day is my gr8 grandma's birthday but she had past away Anyway, i woke up quite early even though i slept at around 1+. Since i had brush my teeth n bath, i went 2 fix my breakfast as my mother did nt had a gd sleep last nite n oso i m old enough 2 do all tis. After having my breakfast, my mother woke up at the same time n told me 2 help her vacume the 3 room, living room but nt the kitchen as she nids 2 iron our clothes. Nt long after i finishing vacume the house, my 2nd sis wake up. I must say tat tat was miracle cos my sis does nt wake up tat early. Then, i went 2 watch the TV until around 12+ when suddenly my mom ordered me 2 pack my cabinet as quite alot of unwanted shirt n pants was in there. Just as i wanted 2 start 2 pack, my oldest sis woke up n had their lunch since she woke up on 12.30. Then me n my mom continued 2 pack my cabinet till 3+ when my mom told me 2 change n set off 2 my grandma hous 2 with my sis since she wanted 2 go earlier n leave earlier since she had a appointment with her friends. Nt long after my late lunch, my dad came 2 pray n w8ted 4 my mom n 2nd sis 2 com n pray oso n then eat n leave 2gether. When they left at around 6.25, me n my bro had our desert as my cousin bought us some yougert. Thenmy bro went 2 watch TV n i using com n post haha.

Gang links
Class Blog
Teck Shuen
Shi Hao(blogskin quite scary)
Wan Ting & Shi Qin
Pei Yi
Mr Ivan(Uncle Ivan)
Sze Wen
Yan Lin
Michelle Kuek
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