Ya i noe lots of ppl had been leaving tags regarding wanting me to update my blog. But i had been so busy n absent-minded that i could only post now. So i will just tell u some lame n interesting stuff happened 2day. !st, when i get up, my father told me 2 b prepared 4 "morning PT"(just simply jogging and mayb even playing!). So i immediately when 2 brush my teeth and change to my long time no use running suit. Then when we(me, my bro n my parents) were ready, we went straight 2 the park we usually went 2, and after warm-up, my bro chiong the 1st, me 2nd and lastly my dad 3rd, my mom wasn't running as she wasn't feeling well. Then as i m running, i saw one wat my sister say "amino acid"(interesting way of saying aa= attract attention) doing some weird exercise. After we finish running, we went bck hm 2 hv our breakfast. Then during afternoon, i chiong all my hmwk then at nite, we(all my father side relative b went 2 some food court n hv our dinner n tat's the end of 2day!!